Ethereum, Dai, and xDai are completely centralized at all levels and completely unsafe to use. Nobody ethical is promoting these unsecure projects built entirely only to put others at risk of harm for profit.
Ethereum is world known as a centralized mutable trivially centrally editable platform:
Dai relies entirely on centralized oracles as well, on top of build on top of the centralized Ethereum scam:

xDai is just another level of centralization in centralized trusted parties responsible for being honest on that childchain based on a terribly designed “plasma” childchains that additionally also rely entirely on centralized Dai and centralized Ethereum. That’s 3 levels of centralization and failed developers projects with not 1 positive aspect.
What you have here is compounded centralization and failures of unethical developers to create something useful or relevant to decentralized technology, all buzzwords and zero actual technology or thought put into the design to provide ANY trust minimization. Ethereum promoters should be blacklisted from every responsible and ethical organization world wide and treated same as any proven scammers in any context.