Rule of thumb — eth fans are always wrong as it’s required to have 0 technical literacy to become an eth fan.

Kent created strawman arguments for all developer criticism of Ethereum. And it has nothing to do with maximalists, countless non premined devs say exact same thing. In fact virtually all non-eth devs consider eth a complete joke.
Fairness, just like decentralization, refers to control, not profit as author falsely claimed. The amount allowed for other “investors” was controlled by a single trusted party that could buy in for free. Mining with unforgeable costliness was designed because it was not possible for any single central group to gain unfair access to control of coins by blocking others access. Ethereum, like all premines and ICOs, is permissioned this way. The complete lack of basic math skills to understand buying from yourself is free and thus terrible for control distribution further supports that 100% of ethereum community is illiterate.

Kent is wrong about centralized premine being decentralized by focusing on profit rather than its control over 1. incentives for miners 2. incentives for users. 3. stake in proof of stake. How little must you know about blockchains to forget the most important aspects of the coins. Ethereum is the best example of centralized control over incentives — calling a chain unfavored by central party instantly crushed its value forever.

Ethereum nodes, therefore, do not matter. And most of them are fast synced (default setting) and do not validate rules until synced as ethereum chain too bloated to do so. Bitcoin full nodes are actually full nodes. Bitcoin nodes can be synced in 7 hours on modern computer, Ethereum nodes go between NEVER to over a week.
Why is it an issue? Incompetent illiterate developers like Vitaliks and other failures often forget that without validation miners can get away with a lot more. Further, hard forked state changes rule breaking like Vitalik did to confiscate money and censor users, are also skipped over during the fast sync. This is why everyone laughs at Ethereum devs always relying on infura and other centralized node providers. Not that it’s relevant since premine renders 100% of code and 100% of everything else irrelevant to decentralized technology, just an additional complete failure of ethereum failures of developers, the biggest jokes in crypto world.

Funny how his claim about Vitalik having control doesn’t mention the premine and the ability to destroy the value of incentives on every chain they do not agree with. That’s called strawman argument as Ethereum community hates facts and sound design principles so they hide them in favor of fake nonsense arguments against them they can dismantle.
The DAO was a centrally forced confiscation of funds and censorship of a single user by the central party that lost some money with virtually entire platform effectively apathetic (<6% voted in the polls, 1 vote was ~2%, ~70% of supply possibly compromised by single party thanks to eth broken design). Then Eth central party kept stating they will never support anyone and will actively sell on chain they do not support. Eth is always the best demonstration of every decentralization failure in crypto history.
The Bitcoin bug rendered all coins worthless on one chain for everyone, and thus without any central force, everyone would always choose to fix the bug and create the fork version where the coins had value. That’s exact opposite scenario from Eth one. Once again, complete lack of technical literacy by 100% of eth community using this false equivalence.
He keeps falsely calling Eth decentralized — but we already know it’s centralized in theory and practice.
He keeps falsely calling eth permissionless, but we already know all funds and state and be revoked, confiscated, and thus effectively permissioned.
Everything the author says is obviously wrong as shown here.
Ethereum has 0 decentralization and is not relevant to decentralized technology and cryptocurrency field.
It’s incredibly simple:
and treating ethereum community as anything except scammers hurts our entire field through false equivalency to real projects including many altcoins with much higher quality of developers than anything in eth.