This is quite literally a scam in so many ways and everyone involved are bad actors.
First, This has already been done with bitshares pegged coins (they invented all of this 4 years before maker, eth scammers never give them credit, and they literally just claimed to be “first” again, while eth has never been first in anything)
Second, MakerDAO/DAI is completely centralized and one of the worst jokes of tech ever made — the feed relies in trust in the centralized distribution of MKR tokens which elects the feed providers. governance is also controlled by same tokens that 1 party decides to distribute in totally unknownable way. 1 trusted party is not decentralized, although comparing 1 and 2 is too complex of math for 100% of eth community.

Eth is completely centralized too so all this state data is completely dependent on an additional centralized party, either one can centrally decide virtually everything about their systems without you having any say in it. There is no such thing as intelligent people in ethereum as requirement is literally to be unable to count to 1 or be unable to calculate 70/100 is < 2

These are not developers, these are not well intentioned people, this are predators looking to deceive people about their safety for profit — or in other words, literally the thing the world scam was invented to describe.