This is quite literally a scam, Winklevoss are promoting scams now? Didn’t even notice, but I guess centrally trusted zcash and centrally trusted Ethereum passed their low technical understanding while being exact opposite of what this field is. If they are on Ethereum, they are not NFT, and have no relevance to decentralized technology. Ethereum community has no NFT, no decentralization, no cryptocurrency, no trust minimization, no rational fans, no non-scammer fans. Ethereum only has google sheet quality “assets” trivially editable, confiscatable, and as such completely worthless. Any promotion of Ethereum is indistinguishable from any scam. This is quite literally the worst thing you or anyone else can possibly do — promote an actual scam.
Do not treat Ethereum as a legitimate project, do not treat their fans as anything but what they promote — a scam and scammers. 1 trusted party cannot be further from decentralization or trust minimization. Lying for profit is the textbook definition of a scam, no exceptions.

Is math like counting to 1 too hard? Or is profit from a scam too appealing?
This was too hard for you to figure out:

Stop promoting scams