Well, it also depends on how the premined funds are used.
Which you can’t know due to pseudo-anonymity and thus rely on centralized trust — not decentralized. Economic majority controls the blockchain and Ethereum economic majority depends entirely on secret choices by a single trusted party — it doesn’t depend, it’s simply bad, waste of overhead time and cost for no reason.
The largest ETH token holders put most of their ETH to infrastructure development and ecosystem development
Since 70% of supply could be in control of a single trusted party, as it was completely up to them if they want to grab it for free, there’s no real evidence anything significant was put into the infrastructure to minimize the impact of 70% of stake being vulnerable from day 1.
which is one of the main reason this ecosystem attracts most of the talent in this space.
Disagree, Bitcoin blockchain probably has the most talent and countless others. No good developer would be found working on Ethereum after not only failing at decentralize distribution of control due to selfish premine, but also demonstrating it by censoring users and confiscating their money. In fact virtually all developers outside of Ethereum are unanimous in their dislike for Ethereum including inventor of smart contracts, countless devs of every security centric project like Bitcoin or Monero. It’s a simple fact. Also Ethereum has accomplished nothing new other than marketing falsely:
My own team consists of 12 top developers and that’s a minuscule part of the Ethereum ecosystem.
It’s not debatable Ethereum is fully centralized. (is it good or bad? how can it be good?) Meaning your 12 developers clearly lack the knowledge necessary to evaluate decentralization and trust minimization simply by choosing to work on a centralized system, paying extra overhead for absolutely no advantage over simple trusted server structure. The only other option is they know this basic fact and are deceiving people on purpose for profit — malicious and greedy or incompetent — the only descriptors of anyone choosing to work on fake platforms like bitconnect, ethereum, onecoin, dentalcoin, tron, so on.
The issue in ALL projects and ALL clients for Ethereum comes from code used for trusted centralized unsecure vulnerable distribution in the genesis block which makes Ethereum not relevant to decentralized technology and renders 100% of all efforts on it irrelevant as only the weakest link matters in security. Feel free to verify it yourself or through others like here: https://etherscan.io/stat/supply and ask yourself why not use a trust minimized approach Bitcoin invented in 2009. Ethereum is pre-bitcoin era trust model technology that has no reason to exist.