You’re not qualified to speak on this topic, this is quite literally your statement:

Ethereum has absolutely no technical design aspects to call it decentralized. 1 party in control of centrally printed incentives, literally. How do you call something the opposite of what it is. There is no decentralized web possible on Ethereum, only the opposite. You are deceiving people about their safety, nothing more. Developers do not work on Ethereum scam, only scammers. Building opposite of what you claim is not development, they have never done development, they are not a developers, they do not contribute positively to anything, they are deceiving people about their safety, nothing more. That is the only contribution of theirs to the world — making it worse for everyone involved. It has literally the best and largest example of a confiscation and censorship using a blockchain by a centralized party in history of the world. What does it take for you to stop promoting a scam? Clearly not technical design aspects. Clearly not demonstrated ability to censor and confiscate. What does it take? How much jail time does every single person promoting Ethereum need to start considering ethics or gaining ANY technical competence? Choosing Ethereum means ONLY choosing to be a malicious predatory scammer no different from any other. 1 party in control is not decentralized control. trusting 1 party is not trust minimization. Stop being the absolute worst of the human race. What is wrong with you? It’s not possible to name a worse person technically or ethically than anyone doing what you choose to do daily. Consider why EVERY developer outside of Ethereum calls everyone involved in Ethereum a scammer. No they are not all maxi, especially since most of them are altcoin developers. It’s just because of how obviously wrong you are by every metric by every measure by every definition, and you describing everything by the opposite does not change that. There is absolutely no excuse to ever treat any malicious predatory scammer, 100% of ethereum community, than anything else.